AquaChek 4 in 1 Test Strips for Pool and Spa

AquaChek 4 in 1 Test Strips for Pool and Spa

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AquaChek 4 in 1 Test Strips for Pool and Spa

AquaChek 4 in 1 Test Strips for Pool and Spa


AquaChek 4 in 1 Test Strips for Pool and Spa


Swimming pool test strips from Aquachek.

Comes in a pack of 50. Tests for pH, free chlorine, Total alkalinity& stabilizer. Can be used for both pool or spa.

How to use AquaCheck 4 in 1 Test Strips

  1. Dip a strip into water and remove immediately
  2. Hold strip for 15 seconds. Do not shake
  3. Compare pH, Free Chlorine, Total Alkalinity and Stabilizer pads (in that order) to colour chart on the label
  4. For best results on Stabiliser (Cyanuric Acid) test, pH should be between 7.0-8.4 and Total Alkalinity should be at or below 240 ppm.

pH Testing

We use pH as an index to express how acidic or basic a solution is. (The scientific definition of pH is ‚the negative algorithm of the hydrogen ion concentration‚ A pH greater than 7.0 is basic, and a pH lower than 7.0 is acidic. In pools and spas, it is important to maintain the water in the slightly basic range of 7.2 to 7.8. The National Spa and Pool Institute (NSPI), the industry association in the United States, has set a standard of 7.2 to 7.6 as the ideal pH.

If pH Is Low:

  • The water can corrode surfaces, metal equipment or fixtures.
  • Swimmers and bathers can experience discomfort from burning eyes and itchy skin.
  • The chlorine may dissipate more quickly.
  • The water may cause pitting and etching of plaster surfaces.

If pH Is High:

  • Calcium and metals tend to come out of solution (the opposite of dissolving) at high pH levels, creating the potential for staining and scale formation. The calcium and metals will actually create deposits and discoloration on pool walls and equipment.
  • Swimmers and bathers can experience discomfort from burning eyes and itchy skin.
  • High pH can contribute to cloudy water.


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